Welcome To The AJ Fardella Home Page Greetings, This is Fardella.com the website portal of AJ Fardella. There are links on this page to various areas of my interest; professional , personal, family, technical , educational and community service. I am in the process of compartmentalizing the various areas of interest in a more organized fashion. A section for my Fardella cousins all over the earth is emerging . I have been in contact with many Fardellas from Sicily to Chicago to South Africa to Canada to Long Island and San Francisco. In my research into the Fardella family history I have found a long list of Fardellas all over the world who have made contributions to medicine, the arts, sciences, law enforcement, music, sports, cinema, education, law, philosophy, literature, politics, technology, the military and government. if you are a Fardella
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