Welcome to a web page filled with links to technical resources for many things as compiled by AJ Fardella.

If you find a link that is not working or not what is expected, please click here and tell me about it in an email.

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HELLO Steve Lockwood's students, Mason Miller's students and all my friends at the TREE!

New AJ's 10 debugging steps.

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Web Development:
ASP, JavaScript, PERL, Web-Colors, Section 508, HTML & Tech Tutorials


.asp resources. These links are the cream of the sites out there supporting ASP programmers. The asp101/links page has all you're after for ASP development resources on the web.
http://www.webmonkey.com Webmonkey is a great site to find information on a variety of web development technologies at the Novice, Intermediate and Advanced level. Webmonkey also has some excellent free online tutorials on HTML.
http://www.cast.org/bobby/ Bobby is the current standard tool for testing your website for ADA Section 508 compliance.
http://www.wire-man.com/paletteman Paletteman is a very hip online tool re-invented by the wire-man, that lets you choose from a color matrix of browsersafe colors and gives you the hexidecimal value for that color. The site lets you pick 4 nested colors and then a text color across all of your nested colors.
http://cgi.resourceindex.com CGI SCRIPTS GALORE mostly in Pearl. This is the new home of the Matt Wright Archive. Matt is a talented PERL scripter who shares his scripts with the world. Thanks Matt. Lots of other goodies at the root site.
Internet dot com gives you a very wide variety of links to resources on internet development technology. excellent JavaScript libraries. Free Perl Scripts. Great Server Side Technology info. Java resources.
http://www.w3schools.com This site has it all. tutorials, code examples. Excellent Resource.
http://www.couponaholic.com/searchenginelist.html This is a page put together by one of my attendees. the page has a comprehensive list of links that will take you to the hidden places you can submit your own site to the big search engines, and where no such link exists there is information on what to do.
http://www.devx.com A fantastic site full of advanced information on everything developer.

Skill Review Pages

470 Developing A Website wednesday  thursday  friday  complete
489 JavaScript wednesday  thursday  friday  code examples
487 Building Better Web Pages wednesday  thursday  friday   complete

Software Resources:

Adobe PageMaker:

PageMaker Tips and Tricks http://www.desktoppublishing.com/tipspagemaker.html
PageMaker Scripting http://www.oz.net/~vsamarsk/PageMakerScripting.htm

Adobe InDesign:

InDesign Tutorials http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/indesigntutorials/
InDesign Resource http://www.uwec.edu/help/indesign2.htm

Adobe PhotoShop:

PhotoShop Tutorials ETC http://www.good-tutorials.com/
PhotoShop Tutorials ETC http://www.perfectpixels.com/index.cfm?method=photoshop
PhotoShop Updates http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/
PhotoShop Tutorials ETC http://www.photoshopcafe.com/tutorials.htm
PhotoShop Tutorials ETC http://www.sketchpad.net/photoshp.htm
PhotoShop Tutorials ETC http://www.photoshoproadmap.com/

Adobe Acrobat:

Home of the PDF Community http://www.planetpdf.com/
Cute PDF http://www.cutepdf.com/
Tons of Acrobat PDF links page. http://goldray.com/webdesign/acrobat_resources.htm

Desktop / Digital Publishing:

DeskTop Publishing Portal http://www.desktoppublishing.com/open.html

Macromedia Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver Central dreamweaver
Dreamweaver Suggested Books

Dreamweaver MX 2004: The Missing Manual
By  David Sawyer McFarland
December 2003 
Dreamweaver in a Nutshell A Desktop Quick Reference

Crystal Reports

Support http://support.crystaldecisions.com/
Advanced Examples (8Megs) CR Report Examples
Crystal Forums http://www.tek-tips.com/gthreadminder.cfm/lev2/4/lev3/100
Suggested Books

Crystal Reports 8.5: The Complete Reference
by George Peck ,Michael Mueller (Illustrator), Lyssa Wald (Illustrator)

Microsoft Office Programs

Kent State MS OfficeTutorials http://www.ashtabula.kent.edu/comt/cnaylor/Workgroup/

Microsoft Front Page

Front Page Tutorials outfront.net

Microsoft Excel

Very Basic Excel Tutorial http://www.usd.edu/trio/tut/excel/
UOA Basic Excel Series Tutorial Table Of Contents
Excel Tips & Examples http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/1829/Tips/
A Great Course in Excel Online http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Pages/Excel/

Microsoft Access

Best Bet http://msdn.microsoft.com/
Simple Tutorial http://databases.about.com/library
Normalization Rules http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;283878
Great Discussion Forum http://www.utteraccess.com

Microsoft Project

Best Bet http://office.microsoft.com/home/
Project Management 101 http://management.about.com/cs/projectmanagement/a/PM101.htm?terms=project
Project Tutorial Articles (enter "project" in search window) http://pubs.logicalexpressions.com/Pub0009/LPMFrame.asp?CMD=Archives
Free Project CourseWare http://www.learnit.com/manuals
Free Project Tutorial http://www.stylusinc.net/ms_project_tutorial/project_management.shtml
Microsoft VISIO
my collection of visio zips dVISOzipz/index.htm
templates stencils and other links http://pages.infinit.net/dbtek/visio.html

Information Technologies

Comptia N+ Certification and Networking Technology Infomation

http://comptia.com/certification/network/default.asp This is the Comptia Site for the Network+ Certification.
http://www.pagesbydave.com/GEO/netplus.html Dave's Network Plus Page Cool Quizes and more N+ links!
http://compnetworking.about.com/ About.com is a great resource.



Publications & Periodicals:

Computer Technology News and Infomation

http://computerworld.com Computerworld has current news and is a gateway to information and technology resources.
http://www.eweek.com EWeek has it all, great up to the minute tech news as well as links to sub-sites which focus on a special interest ie security, wireless, storage IT infrastructure and the latest research.
http://infoworld.com  Infoworld is a great source for IT news and resources.


http://www.bookpool.com Absolutely great prices!!!!
http://www.oreilly.com O'reilly simply my favorite tech book publisher.
www.adobepress.com/books/alphabetical/index.asp Adobe Press is best bet for Adobe Books

Preferred Technology:

Computer Technology News and Infomation


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